Saturday, January 8, 2011

Ultimate Captain America #1 Review

Written by:
Jason Aaron
Ron Garney
Jason Keith
Clayton Cowles
Ron Garney/Jason Keith
Marvel Comics
Ultimate Captain America marks the debut of the outstanding Jason Aaron to the 'Ultimate' universe. As well as Ron Garney's return to Cap with whom he had two successful runs in the 90's. While both guys do a great job here the book itself doesn't quite hit the lofty heights you might expect, but it is really not their fault. The potential is still there though.

The reason I say you can't blame either Aaron or Garney is that, ultimately, even though the writing and artwork are both excellent the story itself seems like it has been told before...a lot, and therein lies the problem. There are only so many ways you can skin a super soldier, so to speak. Cap will always be Cap in any universe.
Of course this is only the first issue and there is the potential there for the story to grow in scope. The first few pages and the final page reveal of the villain are both interesting and leave me wondering where the story could go from here and Aaron's character work is as amazing as always. I have faith that Aaron has the chops to overcome the slightly generic lead in to bring something unique before it's all said and done.


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