So here we go with the Inaugural Pull List for 01/05/11 from The Geek Tank!

DC Comics
I think what really draws me to this book is that I honestly didn't know much about the character of Azrael when I picked up the first issue, so as the story fills out it just gets more and more interesting. The fact that it's all tied into the newly forming Batman Inc mythology certainly doesn't hurt.

DC Comics
Brightest Day as a whole has been more than a little uneven over the past half a dozen issues or so. When Johns filters his story and concentrates on just one or two of the characters the issue tends to hold up better but you can't help but think how all this is going to be resolved when there are only 7 issues left. The overall story and premise has remained solid though so I'm willing to see it through to see how it ends and where the resurrected heroes and villains go from there.

Marvel Comics
Even after only three issues the quality of this limited series is incredible. After finding out that the Scarlet Witch is indeed alive but has no memories of her previous life and is currently married to none other than Dr. Doom in the previous issue I can't wait to see what they have in store for us next. This book has a great ensemble cast throwing the Young Avengers together with Magneto and Quicksilver for a quirky family dynamic that teeters between working perfectly and imploding.

Marvel Comics
A limited series starring the big three that could finally fix their fractured friendships after Cival War, what more could you ask for? Luckily this has proven to be a solid story as well. Telling a tale centered around the chaos in the nine realms caused by the fall of Asgard.

Marvel Comics
OK so the quality on this book so far may not exactly be what most would like but as a fan whose first exposure to comics was The X-Men I can't help but have a vested interest in where they are taking the future of the mutant race. It's my hope (pun intended) that after this first story arc regarding the fifth light, which seems more like an extension of the story from Uncanny X-men than a genuine starting point for a book, has played out Generation Hope will have room to breath and grow into a higher quality title. Time will tell.

Marvel Comics
Ultimate Cap Vs the Vietnam era Cap. Reunion of the creative team from Wolverine: Weapon X. The red hot Jason Aaron's Ultimate debut and the return of Ron Garney to Captain America. Based on these factors alone this should be a must buy title for most Marvelites.

The first 10 issues of this Green Hornet reboot were outstanding, based on a passed over script written by cult filmmaker Kevin Smith they saw a new, younger Green Hornet emerge with a younger decidedly chestier and female Kato. Smith exited the series with issue #10 and passed the reins to Phil Hester who did an admirable job with his first issue. I'm looking forward to see where he goes with the solid groundwork done by Smith.

This Spike series was originally planned to be a new ongoing series working along side the Angel book, now it seems this has become a limited series with the publishing rights to Angel reverting to Darkhorse later this year. So far the story has been solid and interesting and who doesn't love Spike? 'You want me to tear this place apart ya bloody poof?'
*Spike #4 is shown on the Diamond release list but NOT on the schedule for my local store so hopefully this one actually turns up.

This issue marks the beginning of the 'No Way Out' storyline for this consistently outstanding title. With the reappearance of the zombie horde and the stable existence our survivors have experienced now crumbling what's next for Rick Grimes and co? Whatever it is I'm sure it'll bring more death to the group now the walking dead have returned.
The best of the rest...
Batman Beyond #1
DC Comics
Yes Batman is getting another ongoing, no it has nothing to do with the current revamp of the Batman franchise. Which is the main reason why I will be passing on this book to be honest, with all the new Batman stuff on the shelves right now an extra title out of the current time-line is not something I am going to overextend myself for. Anyone familiar with the recent, sub par, Batman Beyond limited series or the original 1999 ongoing will know the score here. This future version of Batman is Terry McGinnis who is employed and mentored by none other than Bruce Wayne. Why am I including it on the 'best of the rest...' list when I was so underwhelmed by the recent outing? Well it's still freaking Batman dude!
Superboy #3
DC Comics
From all accounts Jeff Lemire's new Superboy book is a very good read and something that may soon be graduating to my Pull List if the quality continues. For now though it just gets the nod as a noteable title for the week. Superboy follows the adventures of Connor Kent who is now back in Smallville, so far the series has already seen Connor get his powers fried, a foreboding warning of a dark evil rising and Poison Ivy arriving in Smallville. If Lemire has started as he means to go on with this one it should prove to be a DC mainstay in no time.
The Walking Dead Weekly #1
Image have decided to re-issue The Walking Dead in weekly format starting with #1 this week. Nice of them right? Mainly for people new to The Walking Dead after the success of the TV show. This will allow them to pick up all the issues without the hassle of trolling e-bay for that unsigned, cheap #1. This first issue sees long time protagonist Rick Grimes injured in the line of duty and waking up from a coma alone in a hospital during a zombie apocalypse. Just one of those days. This and every other issue are exceptional reads and should definitely be picked up by anyone vaguely interested who hasn't already started in on the trade paperbacks.
So there it is, the very first edition of the Pull List sound off in the comments and let me know what you think of the feature and the format.
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