Welcome back to The Pull List our weekly feature were I give you the low down on what books I will be buying each week along with a little bit about why I dig em and a little look at the stuff that's still interesting but out of my budget for the week. Starting this week I will also provide a link to the full Diamond Inc distribution list for anyone interested in seeing exactly what is being released each week in full.
Birds of Prey #8
DC Comics
There was pretty much only one reason I picked up the first issue of BoP, because it has 'Brightest Day' on the cover. What kept me coming back was the story and the characters. Things only seem to be getting better now we are getting into the meat of the Death of Oracle storyline and learning more about the mysterious Mortis. On top of that we have Batman Inc. in the mix as well which is always a treat.
The Incredible Hulks #620
Marvel Comics
This is my favourite of the two Hulk books out there, I still like the other title but for me The Hulk is Bruce banner, full stop. With Chaos War wrapping up it's time for the hulks to whup some ass this week and after the shock return of big bad daddy Banner from the dead this just may be the Hulks most personal battle yet.
Deadpool #31
Marvel Comics
I love Deadpool, I have since I picked up 'The Circle Chase' 17 years ago. Daniel Way knows how to write Wade Wilson and that's what keeps me coming back to this book. Yeah I miss Weasal and Blind all, even T-ray, but it still somehow feels like I am reading that initial run. The current storyline following DP trying to become a hero is great and I wanna see him kick some dracula ass.
Spawn #200
Image Comics
The oft delayed issue is finally dropping this week, it's jam packed with creative talent, see's the return of Todd Mcfarlane to interior art duties and features the return of one of Spawns biggest enemies along with a cameo from the G man himself. All that and it's a double sized issue. Should be well worth your pennies.
The Amazing Spider-Man #651
Marvel Comics
I'm enjoying this new big time take on Spidey that Dan Slott is rolling out. I also love the new art style too, Spidey is one of those characters that just works well with the manga-esque style of Ramos. It's about time things started to look up for ol' webhead. This first arc is really hotting up now and I'm looking forward to seeing his new suit in action. This issue also has a back up story about the return of Mac Gargan.
Superman #707
DC Comics
Although the whole Grounded storyline hasn't exactly been a rip roaring success for me the last issue certainly upped the quality a little. Which is saying something considering Supes was only in about 4 panels. I am hoping that some of that quality continues this week as we see Superman discovering some strange happenings in a town near Des Moines, Iowa. Yeah cause nothing weird has ever come out of Des Moines...
Infinite Vacation #1
Image Comics
The premise here sees a world where alternate realities can be bought and sold. When Mark finds out other versions of himself are being killed off he starts to learn some harsh truths about the world he lives in. While all that sounds interesting enough there is only one thing that is drawing me to this book, Nick Spencer, this is his second creator owned book at Image and why not after the exceptional Morning Glories? I'm truly excited to see how this one holds up.
The best of the rest...
Marvel Must Have's
Marvel Comics
This week see's the release of some interesting catch up issues from Marvel. These collect the first three issues of some of the newer books Marvel launched last year. Included this week are: Avenger's Academy, Avenger's Children's Crusade, Daken Dark wolverine, Wolverine and X-23. These special volumes are also pretty cheap considering they have 3 issues in each one. Quick catch up at an affordable price? Can't complain.
Batman & Robin #19
DC Comics
You're probably thinking why the hell this excellent book isn't on my Pull List to begin with? Well it's because when I finally got a clue and decided I needed to read this book I was way behind so I bought the first two volumes in hardcover, now I kinda want keep that collection going rather than buy the individual issues. That said, this one should be a corker. It's the final issue of Paul Cornells arc leading into the new creative team of Peter J Tomasi and Patrick Gleason. This book should definitely be going places over the coming months.
That's it for another edition of The Pull List. This is just a small selection of what is on offer, there are a ton of other books releasing this week, check out the full list below.
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