Welcome to another edition of The Pull List. Wow big week this week, lots of good books coming from all the major publishers. Highlights for me include the beginning of The Age of X, the conclusion of the first arc in the great Uncanny X-Force and a double dose of goodness from the awesome Scott Snyder with American Vampire and Detective Comics.
So let's jump right in there and get our geek on.
DC Comics
American Vampire #11
American Vampire has gone from strength to strength each month. In the last few months we've seen just how far reaching Snyder intends his Vampire world to be with the inclusion of a few new vampire species. Last month the focus shifted more firmly onto Pearl and Henry as we got a look at their life together and all the fear and uncertainty that entails. This issue is the conclusion to the 2-part Booze, Bullets and Blood story, I'm sure Pearl's old friend Hattie will be coming for blood.
Detective Comics #673
Even after only 2 issues in charge Scott Snyder has done an amazing job with Detective Comics. This week is the conclusion to the Black Mirror arc. Dick is in the fight for his life against one of Gothams oldest and most powerful enemies.
Green Arrow #8
So far Green Arrow has been the weakest Brightest Day tie-in title on the shelves right now, yet i still seem to find myself picking it up each month no matter how shoddy the previous issue seemed to be. Not sure if it is just that I like Green Arrow as a character or I'm a glutton for punishment, either way it's still on my list for now. I'm hoping that the start of the new 'Rise of the Black Arrow' arc will signal an upswing but that is probably the masochist in me getting ready to bend over and take it again.
IDW Publishing
Angel #41
Angel doesn't have long left to run at IDW and they aren't really doing themselves any favors with the latest storyline. The series started off in incredible fashion with the 17 issue run of 'After the Fall' but since then it has been a little up and down. This latest arc seems like it's heading almost into the same territory as After the Fall with LA being a city under siege again and despite how good the series started it's not always the best thing to end up back where you started.
Marvel Comics
Age of X: Alpha
It's finally here, the start of the next big thing to hit the mutant world, well not really as it's an alternate time-line, but who cares! I have been literally salivating at the mouth waiting for this one, thanks in large part to the apparent similarities to the outstanding Age of Apocalypse. AoA was the first major cross over event I ever read and I still own original TPB volumes. 'Mutantkind's final war starts here. If you don't know which side you're on, check your DNA.' Please don't let me down Marvel!

Red Hulk is joining the Avengers in this issue, can't say I am all that excited about the prospect. Red hulk worked far better as a villain in my honest opinion. However with the way he has been writing lately, in Bendis I trust. The inclusion of the infinity gauntlet and The Hood's nutball scheme to bring the infinity gems back together is definitely something worth sticking around for and I want to see big Red get smashed a little more too.
Captain America #614
Bucky's trial trundles along this month. While the world is distracted by the highest profile criminal trial in the Marvel Universe the new Red Skull is plotting a strike at the heart of the US. It wouldn't surprise me if when the dust settles on the trial of Captain America, Steve Rogers is back in the winged cap. With the new movie dropping soon I can't see Marvel keeping Bucky Barnes as Cap in the flagship title. What that will mean to the myriad of other titles Rogers is in now I have no clue but i guess we'll find out.

Deadpool #32
OK let's put the vampire debacle from the last couple of issues out of our mind, the less said about it the better in my opinion. New arc starts right here, Deadpool has been out of the merc game since the heroic age began. So why is the new kid in the block pointing his space guns squarely at the biggest mouth in the biz? Well who wouldn't want to shut Wade up, at least for a little bit.
Incredible Hulks #621
Chaos War is over, the world is safe and everyone is happy. Right? Well everyone except for the Hulk's. They haven't exactly come out of the battle smelling of roses and someone has to pay. Someone big, someone very powerful, someone who can handle himself because the Hulk is pissed and he's going right to the top, Zues. God Smash begins here.
Ultimate Doom #2
The conclusion to Bendis' Ultimate trilogy of stories is almost here. The ultimate enemy has been reveled to be Reed Richards and Sue wasn't very happy. Unfortunately for her she wasn't exactly breathing at the end of last issue, will she make it? I dunno but I am sure when Ben get's his hands on Reed it'll be time for a *&#$ ton of clobbering.
Uncanny X-Force #4
Rick Remender has done an amazing job so far on this book, putting together an unorthodox but amazing group of characters and pitting them against one of the X-men's greatest enemies in his very first arc. Ballsy to say the least. This is the conclusion to 'The Apocalypse Solution' and it's time to put up or shut up, if that's even possible when Deadpool's around, Apocalypse needs to die.
X-Men #7
This is the real starting point for the new X-Men series in my eyes, the whole vampire story just wasn't for me. The thing is, it wasn't really down to the quality of the book, I'm just so tired of being bombarded my vampires everywhere I look for the past few years, I'm over it. The new arc see's the X-Men being the heroes they have always wanted to be, but something strange is going on in NYC and the X-Men are teaming up with everyone's favorite wall crawler to get to the bottom of it.
X-23 #5
X-23 has been pretty good so far, embroiling Laura in a mysterious quest for her soul. Caught between Mr Sinister in her past and Miss Sinister manipulating her future. This month she has some help in her quest, everybody's favorite ragin' cajun Gambit!
The best of the rest...
Ultimate Spider-Man #152
Marvel Comics
As we get closer to the mega even The Death of Spider-Man, that seems to be all the hype machine is focused on right now. So much so that the build up to Peter's superhero training seems to be falling by the wayside. Hopefully the issue itself will be better than the build up which seems to be focusing more on the Black Cat and Mysterio than on Spidey's first instructor...Iron Man!
Fantastic Four #587
Marvel Comics
I haven't been into the Fantastic Four book for a long time, nothing to do with them as characters or with Hickman's writing, in fact I'm a big fan of Hickman. Just sometimes the interest isn't there. I have to admit though I am intrigued to see what he has in store for the end of the series. One will fall. Who will it be?
Infestation #1
IDW Publishing
As corny as this sounds it intrigues the shit out of me, a cross over between four of IDW's biggest franchise books. GI Joe, Star Trek, Transformers and Ghostbusters, all attacked by Zombies! Depending on how this one is received I just might have to check it out down the line.
That's it for another week folks, they really know how to end the month with a bang, and a hefty smack to our wallets. See ya next week.
Diamond istribution list 01/26/11
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