Let's take a look at the full list for this week
The Amazing Spider-Man #652
Marvel Comics
If any of you read my review of the last issue you know I couldn't say enough good things about the back-up story that laid the ground work for the next epic arc. Well it all starts here and I can't wait. We have the return of the Scorpion, all pimped out in a brand new suit, and the return of Alistair Smythe. Yup 'Revenge of the Spider Slayer' is here bitches. Don't miss it.
Batman #706
DC Comics
Tony Daniel's first big storyline on this series has been excellent so far. Not only taking call backs from previous stories but also trying to go in a new direction. This issue see's Batman dealing with the disappearance of Lucious Fox and the return of The Riddler with his daughter Enigma in tow. How do they figure in the search for the 'Mask of the Beholder'? No idea but hopefully we will find out.
Brightest Day #18
DC Comics
Brightest Day #17 was great, not because of the main story, because of Deadman. The main story wasn't all that interesting, focusing on Hawkman and Hawkgirl visiting the Star Sapphires. In my opinion the Hawk's stories have been some of the weakest. Hopefully this issue will pick up the threads of Deadman and Dove's story from last issue and leave the resolution of the Hawk's story for another time.
Buffy the Vampire Slayer #40
Dark Horse Comics
Over the past #39 issues season 8 of Buffy has played out, it's had it's ups and it's down and it's meh issues. Joss Whedon returned for the final arc 'Last Gleaming' and this is the last issue. Overall 'Last Gleaming' certainly hasn't been Whedons finest but it picked up some last month not only setting up to close out the story but we also saw the shocking death of a main character. Hopefully the story will be finished up properly and some ground work laid for the inevitable season 9.
The Invincible Iron Man #500
Marvel Comics
It's here, the giant sized anniversary issue that see's the series returning to it's original numbering and churning out the 500th issue of ol' shell head. Marvel have been making a huge deal out of this issue since the NYCC and why not? Fraction brings us a story following 3 generations of Stark's battling The Mandarin some seventy years in the future, while in the present we get an Iron Man and Spider-Man team up story focusing on returning Tony's memories. Should be a blast.
Morning Glories #6
Image Comics
Spencer's Morning Glories was one the biggest sleeper hits of last year. It has a great premise, a great cast, great story telling and awesome art. Last issue we saw the new intakes finally get one over on the Academy but we also saw how far they are willing to go to punish the students, indirectly or otherwise. I can't wait to see how this intriguing story pans out.
Scarlet #4
Finally, it seems way too long since we've had an issue of Brian Michael Bendis' and Alex Maleev's creator owned book Scarlet. I don't know if it actually has been that long or if it's just because I like this book so much the wait seems unbearable. Issue 4 see's Scarlet's actions and motivations finally becoming public and the fallout is sure to be violent. The revolution begins here, are you in? Viva la Revolucion!

Mark Millar has to be one of the busiest creators in comics today, yet he still manages to turn out quality titles like Superior. Disable teen Simon has been turned into the movie superhero Superior now he needs to come to terms with just what that means and what is coming next for him. With the revelation that the space chimp who transformed Simon may be more demon than angel what's coming may not be sunshine and roses.
Thor #619
Marvel Comics
Matt Fraction has gotten off to a great start with Thor so far, a little uneven maybe, but still good. Last issue we saw the return of Odin.This issue it looks like we are going to have an epic father/son smackdown. Who's your money on?

Marvel Comics
The latest relaunch of Wolverine has been pretty solid. Jason Aaron has fast become the consummate Wolverine writer. After last issue it seems that Wolvies time in hell may soon be coming to an end but not without a full scale demon riot and a confrontation Logan never expected. We finally saw the reveal of the mysterious figure who has been guiding Puck in the shadows, Logan's father, who he killed years earlier.
The best of the rest...
X-Factor #214
Marvel Comics
X-Factor is one of those books that the more I read about it the more I think I should be reading it but I just can't find a spot for it when I go out to buy my books. For all you X-Factor fans out there this should be an unmissable issue. Seeing the exit of one team member and the arrival of another and Rictor and Rahne having it out over the identity of her babies father.
Avengers Academy #8
Marvel Comics
Avengers Academy used to be on my pull list but I had to drop a few books due to costs and this one ended up being cut. I'm starting to regret that decision now. Avengers Academy just seems to be going from strength to strength. It may have to go back on the list pretty soon. This issues see's the fallout of The Hood's attack on Tigra, with the students out for vengeance
Complete Diamond Distributon list for 01/19/2011
There it is, thanks for joining me for another edition of The Pull List, see you next week.
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