Sunday, January 23, 2011

Scarlet #4 Review

Written by:
Brian Michael Bendis
Art/cover by:
Alex Maleev 
Chris Eliopoulos
Published by: 
Marvel Icon 

Scarlet  is truly the work of 2 master craftsmen, Bendis and Maleev throw so much information at you in this issue that I find it hard to think of anyone else who could pull it off as smoothly as they do. A lot happens in Scarlet #4  that points to the bigger plans they have for the series, but even with so much going on and so much dialogue it's delivered in such a way that it never overwhelms the reader.

The issue opens with a brief recap of the end of Scarlet #3, a few months have passed since then and we learn some of what the police have been doing to hunt down Scarlet. Not much, because the brass doesn't want her caught they want her dead, as is pointed out by the lead detective before she is promptly fired. Now the FBI are involved as well and things start to heat up. We also see a little of what Scarlet has been up, with the help of her friend Brandon she has been handing out aid packages to the homeless. Next step in her plan is to organize a flash mob protest outside city hall, the FBI advises the mayor to let the protest just happen and do not let the police get involved. The mayor decides otherwise and orders a peaceful police presence which only adds fuel to the fire. A fire that is sure to become an inferno when they realize that Scarlet is there. The revolution begins!

Bendis' dialogue is as great as ever and is fired at us with lightning speed here, normally I'm not a fan of pages and pages of dialogue but Bendis writes it so damn well that it doesn't bother me. Add to that Maleev's uncanny ability to almost make his artwork work around the dialogue bubbles and you just have the perfect storm of dialogue and art. That's not to say that there are a 100 words per page or anything ridiculous like that, one of the things that make's Bendis' writing so good here is that he exhibits control and restraint when it's needed. Allowing Maleev to steer the ship with some of the most passionate detailed visuals I have seen from him. The combination really gives the whole book and a great cinematic feel. 

Scarlet as a series is still in it's infancy but only four issues in everything is starting to take shape and things can only get better from here on out. I can't wait to see what happens when it hit's the 'terrible twos'. 

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